Saturday, October 16, 2010

Classic Movie Must-See!

I've been asked by several people to give them my recommendations on Must-See Classic Movies. My kids, especially, have asked me to do this, so I think I'll start featuring some great old movies that I love. I've observed that you need to take several things into consideration when watching old movies.

  1. Pacing and rhythm are different than today's movies. Every decade and each genre has its' own style so you have to understand that the pacing and rhythm will definitely be different compared to the movies we see today. It may not be what you are used to, but the classics are soooo good it is definitely worth sticking it out and giving them a chance. If it seems like it gets off to a slow start (and not all do) just keep watching. You'll be glad you did.
  2. Watch it straight through from the beginning to the end. Even if you've seen part of an old movie, it isn't the same as starting from the beginning.
  3. Watch closely for the subtext and subtle innuendos. There is nothing new under the sun. We think we know everything today, but believe me, they knew it all back then. They just dealt with some issues in much more subtle ways. You sometimes have to listen and look more closely but it's all there. It's just not thrown in our face the way it is today. 
  4. There might be some politically incorrect comments or situations. Some movies I can't even watch or I have to fast forward through some of the most offensive parts, but the fact is older movies were made in different eras and even though we've been enlightened on a number of issues today, we have to realize that they weren't and it is what it is. Try to get through it because the rest of the movie is probably worth it in most cases.
Mildred Pierce Trailer
I'll start with one of my favorite movies and favorite actresses, Joan Crawford in 1945's Mildred Pierce. I am rarely disappointed with her movies, and I can (and have) watched this move over and over again. Mildred Pierce is the story of a young woman, her mother and their turbulent relationship. It stands the test of time well as some things never change, including human nature.

Joan Crawford stars as successful entrepreneur Mildred, with Ann Blyth as her spoiled and ungrateful daughter Veda. This black and white film noir is set in 1930's Glendale, California, and follows the story of a doting mother who kicks out her cheating husband and is then forced to find a way to support herself and her two daughters.

This five-star movie was nominated for six Oscars and Joan was nominated for three. She won her one and only Oscar for this performance, which in itself says a whole lot. I can't say enough about this movie and how it illustrates that some things never change. I loved the clothing and the dialogue and just everything about it. Joan Crawford at her best. Please watch it and give it a chance. You won't be disappointed, I guarantee it. There are some parts with the black maid that are hard to watch but the rest of the movie is very good.

If you do decide to watch it, I'd love for you to come back and please leave a comment and give me your opinion. Thanks for reading!!!


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